The biggest thing on the internet now a days is people using adsense in there blogs to earn some money. This can be very profitable if you can get good traffic to your blog i have been using google adsense for a while now and its finaly starting to pay off. First things with blogs is you have to make it interesting so people want to stay and read your posts. So try to be creative and informative (people usualy don't stick around to read about your family) and people will stay long enough. Use a statistics site to see where your traffic is coming from i use hitstats and it lets me know what keywords people used to find my blog. Once you get the traffic then you will get the clicks! Now here are some tips on how to optimize your google ads:
1. Make your ads blend in with your site content as much as possible. Make the links' colors identical to the links on your site.
2. Also place more ad units on your site(ideally, the maximum allowed by google.)
3. Place your ads near things of interest on your site, for example, near nice pictures. In that way the person is more likely to notice the ads.
4. Disperse the ad units on your site. Don't put them together. You visitor may simply take his eyes off them totally and continue his tour of your site.
Google will pay you once a month through paypal once you have reached the $100 minimum payout. The $100 is a setback but once you reach it its nice to get it all at once.
Now here are the dont's with adsense (Google is a billion dollar company they will catch you if you cheat).
1. Don't click on your own ads.
2. Don't ask your friends to click on the ads and don't put anything on your blog or website enouraging other people to click on the ads.
3. Don't use traffic exchanges to promote your sites google wants good traffic only.
I hope everyone that reads this signs up for adsense and starts earning today. Please leave comments if you have questions or like the post thanks.